To lose weight in a healthy and sustainable way, you need to be burning more energy than you consume. You can do this by eating a healthy, balanced diet and increasing your physical activity.
The NHS recommends the daily calorie intake is 2,000 calories a day for women and 2,500 for men.
The amount of energy you need will vary depending on a number of factors, including your age, your height and weight, and your lifestyle (i.e. how active you are).
Using the information that you have shared with us, we have calculated your BMR (basal metabolic rate) and factored in the other lifestyle questions to create a meal plan that is just right for you – to follow alongside the training plan we've also provided you with.
We do not believe in a low-calorie diet approach, so clients are often amazed by the generous meal sizes that we recommend.
We aim to create a sustainable approach to weight loss and nutrition by fuelling you with tasty, healthy and home-cooked food, whilst burning more energy through our HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) plan.
The Body Coach app has been created by Joe Wicks, who has helped 100,000s of people all over the world get fitter and healthier with his food and training plans. Joe is a qualified personal trainer and has a degree in Sport Science.
For more information, see the NHS guidance on daily calorie intake here: